How Hitler Could Have Won World War II


Aa Canal. See Bassée Canal

Acroma (Libya), 115, 135

Africa, 46, 48, 53, 187

  • See also North Africa

Africa Corps, 117—19, 121, 123, 125, 135—37, 139—41, 143, 174, 175, 185, 186


  • Allied, 15, 223, 235
  • British, 15—16, 38, 65
  • French, 15
  • German, 6—8, 15. 21. 38—40. 42, 65, 289
  • Soviet, 92
  • U.S., 179, 289

Aisne River, 34

Albania, 55, 60

Albert Canal (Belgium), 20

Alencon (France), 265

Alexander, Harold, 238

  • and assault on Italy, 195, 199, 214, 225, 228-32
  • in North Africa, 144, 184, 185, 188, 190, 191

Algeria, 37, 48,166, 170

Algiers (Algeria), 167, 169, 170

Allen, Leven, 281

Allen, Terry, 189, 190

Allfrey, C. W., 220

Amiens (France), 30, 34

Anderson, Kenneth A., 169, 171, 172, 173, 183, 185

Antitank guns, 111, 112—13, 136,209

Antwerp (Belgium), 21—22, 240, 272, 273, 276, 277, 279, 280, 284, 295

Anzio (Italy), 226-28, 230, 231

Archangel (Soviet Union), 50, 83

Ardennes (Belgium), 3, 11, 13,22,276-79, 281, 291

Argentan (France), 265—67, 270

Argentina, 47

Arnhem (Holland), 273—74

Arnim, Hans-Jurgen von, 173, 183-88, 190—92

Arras (France), 30, 31

Atlantic Conference (1941), 102

Atlas Mountains, 170

Attlee, Clement, 14

Attrition, 88—89, 97, 112

Auchinleck, Claude, 115, 116, 122, 134, 141—44

Avranches (France), 261—64

Azores islands, 47

Badoglio, Pietro, 199—201

Balck, Hermann, 25, 28, 158—59

Barbarossa campaign, 63, 76, 81—99,102—9, 114

Bardia (Libya), 54

Barré, George, 171

Bassée Canal, 31, 32

Bastico, Ettore, 177

Bastogne (Belgium), 286, 287, 289

Bataille conduite, 16

Battipaglia (Italy), 218, 219

Battle of Britain, 38—41

Battle of Chancellorsville, 180

Battle of Kasserine, 180—87

Battle of the Atlantic, 129

Battle of the Bulge, 276-89

Bayerlein, Fritz, 234, 252, 260

Beda Fomm, 56, 113

Belgium, 3, 9—14, 30, 240

  • invasion of, 1, 17
  • King Leopold’s surrender, 32

Benghazi (Libya), 55, 71, 73, 77, 125, 142

Berlin (Germany), 41, 298, 299, 316

Berlin-Moscow pact, 5

Bessarabia (Soviet Union), 43, 93

Bialystok (Soviet Union), 93,95

Billotte, Gaston Harvé, 21

Bir Hacheim, 133, 135-39

Blitzkrieg, 5, 114,310

Blumenson, Martin, 260, 269

Blumentritt, Guenther, 274

Bocage country, 257—59

Bock, Fedor von, 11, 13, 31, 32, 84, 93, 96, 97, 104, 106, 107, 109, 149

Bohemia, 5

Bormann, Martin, 300—302

Bouillon (Belgium), 23

Bouvellemont (France), 28

Bradley, Omar, 190, 188, 274—75, 318

  • and Allied invasion of France, 203, 238, 248, 256-57, 259—67, 269, 271, 272
  • and Battle of the Bulge, 278, 280, 281, 286, 287
  • in last days of war, 295, 296

Brandenberger, Erich, 279

Brauchitsch, Walter von, 11, 32, 46, 49, 76, 80, 83, 87, 96, 97, 103, 107, 108

Braun, Eva, 300—302

Bren gun, 222

Brest (Soviet Union), 93


  • assault on Italy, 214-32
  • attacks on French fleet, 37, 167
  • Battle of Kasserine, 181, 183—87
  • bombing of Germany, 178-79
  • bombings over, 40—42
  • on Crete, 61—69
  • declaration of war, 5
  • differences with U.S., 165
  • Dunkirk sea lift, 33
  • fleet, 132
  • in Greece, 57, 60
  • Hitler’s turn away from, 2, 36
  • in North Africa, 53-56, 72—73, 76-79,
  • 110-25, 131—44, 166-78 181 183—92
  • political changeovers, 14
  • RAF, 38, 40—42
  • reliance on U.S., 2
  • sanctions against Japan, 101
  • survival of, 36—37
  • U.S. backing, 37, 43—44, 102

British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 30—33

Brittany (France), 236, 256, 261

Broich, Friedrich von, 186

Brooke, Alan, 195—96, 230, 232, 237

Bryansk (Soviet Union), 105

Bucovina, 43

Budapest (Hungary), 291, 293, 295

Budenny, Seymon, 98, 99

Bulgaria, 50, 201, 307

Bull, Harold R. “Pink’, 296

Caen (France), 241, 247, 252, 256, 259

“Caesar line,” 231

Cairo (Egypt), 143

Calabria (Italy), 196

Caldron battles, 84, 86, 87, 88, 93—95, 96, 114

Canaris, Wilhelm, 47

Canary Islands, 47, 48

Cape Verde Islands, 47

Casablanca (Morocco), 167, 169

Caspian Sea, 83

Cassino (Italy), 226-31

Castellano, Giuseppe, 201

Caucasus (Soviet Union), 83, 87, 126, 129, 145, 146, 150, 153, 162, 163, 313

Cava Gap, 215, 218, 219

Cavallero, Ugo, 132

Chamberlain, Neville, 5, 14

Chambois (France), 267, 269, 270

Chapman, Guy, 25

Cherbourg (France), 256

Chiunzi Pass, 215, 218

Choltitz, Dietrich von, 27 1—72

Churchill, Winston, 2, 14, 22, 45, 55, 57, 166

  • alerting of Stalin to German invasion, 89
  • and Allied invasion of France, 238, 242—43
  • and assault on Italy, 195—96, 227, 230, 232
  • Atlantic Conference, 102
  • Casablanca conference, 178—79
  • and Crete campaign, 63—64, 68
  • “Germany first” policy, 127—28
  • inspirational speeches, 33—34, 36—37
  • in last days of war, 298
  • Middle East and Egypt policy, 49, 52, 110, 115, 144
  • in Paris, 27
  • Quebec conference, 199—200
  • Teheran conference, 225, 237
  • and U.S. aid to Russia, 100

Citadel. See Operation Citadel

Clark, Mark, 214, 215, 218, 219, 221, 222, 225—28, 230, 231

Clausewitz, Karl von, 88

Cojeul River, 31

Collins,J. Lawton, 256, 259, 260, 266, 288

“Commissar order,” 94

Communism, 2, 5, 43, 194, 309

Cook, Gilbert R., 267, 271

Corap, André, 26

Corlett, Charles H., 256

Corsica, 170, 224

Cota, Norman D., 250

Creagh, Michael, 56

Crerar, Henry; 262, 267, 269

Crete, 61—70, 79

Crimea, 97, 98, 103—4, 147

Croats, 59

Crocker, Joe, 191

Cruewell, Ludwig, 117—19, 122, 123, 135

Cunningham, Alan, 115—17, 121—22

Cunningham, Andrew, 68, 69

Czechoslovakia, 4—5

Dakar (Senegal), 48, 50

Daladier, Edouard, 5,13—14, 27

Darlan, Francois, 169, 171, 315

Dawley, ErnestJ. ‘Mike,” 215, 221

D-Day, 241, 243, 247

DD (dual-drive) Sherman tank, 248, 249

de Gaulle, Charles, 29, 35, 48, 272

Dempsey, Miles, 247

Denmark, 6

Desert warfare, 72, 73, 75, 112, 134

Devers,Jacob L., 268, 278

Dieppe (France), 170, 315

Dietrich,Josef”Sepp,” 268, 278, 279, 284, 286, 288, 323

Dollmann, Friedrich, 252

Donetz basin (Ukraine), 86, 103

Dönitz, Karl, 254, 301, 317

Don River, 149, 150, 152, 154

Douhet, Giulio, 41—42

Dunkirk (France), 1, 31—33

Dyle River, 10, 21

East Prussia, 291, 293, 294

Eben Emael (Belgium), 20, 171

Eddy, Manton, 271

Eden, Anthony, 14

Egypt, 46, 49, 52—55, 72, 76, 79, 115, 14

88-millimeter antiaircraft gun, 111—13, 133, 136

Eisenhower, Dwight D.:

  • and advance on Germany, 239—40, 272—73
  • and Allied invasion of France, 238—4~266—67, 272
  • and Battle of the Bulge, 278, 281, 28’
  • and invasion of Italy, 195, 201, 214, 2
  • in last days of war, 295, 296, 298, 303
  • in North Africa, 166, 167, 170, 173, 183, 188, 192
  • and Patton, 189, 203, 261

El Alamein (Egypt), 141—43, 166, 169

El Mechili (Libya), 78, 125

England. See Britain

English Channel, 1,11,12,30, 36

Enigma code, 306

Eremenko, Andrei I., 151, 154

Estonia, 43, 95

Ethiopia, 308

Faid Pass, 181, 183, 184

Falaise (France), 264-67, 322

Fedala (Morocco), 169

Fegelein, Hermann, 300

Feuchtinger, Edgar, 251, 252

50-millimeter antitank gun, 111, 112—13

Finland, 6,14, 95, 102

Foggia (Italy), 196, 215

Fort Capuzzo, 111, 117, 120

40-millimeter antitank gun, 113

France, 9,16, 194, 195

  • Allied invasion of, 233—53
  • British attacks on ships, 37, 167
  • declaration of war, 5
  • defeat of, 1,17—35
  • fleet, 37, 167, 170—71
  • liberation of, 254-75
  • political unrest in, 13—14
  • Vichy government, 37, 48

Franco, Francisco, 46-47, 49, 55

Fredenall, Lloyd, 167, 180, 183, 184, 186, 188, 317

Frederick the Great, 277, 298

French North Africa, 48, 50, 166-73,180-93

  • See also Algeria; Morocco; Tunisia

Freyberg, Bernard Cyril, 64, 67, 68, 227

Friedeburg, Hans von, 302—3

Fuller,J.F.C., 7

Gamelin, Maurice, 13, 14, 21, 27

Gandhi, Mohandas K., 51

Gasoline. See Oil

Gazala line, 133—35, 138, 139

Geisler, Hans, 71

Gembloux (France), 22, 30

George II (king of Greece), 60

George VI (king of England), 243


  • Allied advance on, 272—75, 290—303
  • Allied bombing of, 178-79
  • assault on Italy, 2 14-32
  • attack on Crete, 61—70
  • Barbarossa campaign, 63, 76, 81—99, 102—9
  • Battle of the Bulge, 276-89
  • campaign in West, 9—16
  • defeat of France, 17—35
  • fatal turn to East, 45—60
  • land to produce food, 3
  • last days, 290-303
  • in North Africa, 52—57, 71—80,110—25, 131—44, 168, 170-78, 180-93
  • Operation Citadel, 204-13
  • opportunity for victory, 1—8
  • 6th Army’s defeat, 156-64
  • U-boats, 129, 179, 317

Gerow, Leonard T., 256, 267, 269, 270, 272

Geyr von Schweppenberg, Leo, 233, 234, 236

Gibraltar, 46—48, 49, 50, 53, 55, 167

Giraud, Henri, 21, 315

Godwin-Austen, AR., 115

Goebbels, Joseph, 278, 298, 300—302

Goerlitz, Walter, 103

Golikov, F.I., 155

Goring, Hermann, 33, 37—38, 40, 41, 155, 176-77, 281, 299—801, 303

Gort, Lord, 21, 30

Gott, W.H.E. ‘Strafer,” 133, 143

Grants (tanks), 133

Graziani, Rodolfo, 52—54, 62

Greece, 55, 57—60, 76, 78, 79, 166, 197

Greenwood, Arthur, 14

Greim, Robert Ritter von, 300

Guderian, Heinz, 255, 275

  • and Allied invasion of France, 233—36, 252
  • and Barbarossa campaign, 84, 87, 93, 95-99, 102, 106—9
  • and campaign in West, 11—13, 16
  • and defeat of France, 22—26, 28—32, 34—35
  • in last days of war, 290, 291, 295-95, 298
  • and Operation Citadel, 207, 209, 213
  • panzer ann, 5, 7, 16

Guingand, Francis de, 266

Gustav line, 221, 225—27, 230

Guzzoni, Alfredo, 197

Hafid Ridge, 111

Hague, The (Holland), 17

Haislip, Wade, 262, 265—67, 270

Halder, Franz, 11,46,49,63,69,76,80,83, 87, 96, 97, 103, 108, 129, 145, 147, 149, 150, 153

Halfaya Pass, 110,111,116,121,122,124,141

Halifax, Lord, 14

Hamburg (Germany), 316

Hannibal, 88

Harmon, Ernest N., 190

Harris, Arthur, 240

Hastings, Max, 238

Hemingway, Ernest, 250

Hewitt, H. Kent, 218

Heydrich, Reinhard, 3

Himmler, Heinrich, 3, 299—301, 303, 319

Hitler, Adolf:

  • and Allied invasion of France, 233, 234,
  • 236-37, 251, 253—55, 262—65, 268, 271—72
  • appeasement of, 5
  • attack on Crete, 61—70
  • attempt on life, 255—56
  • campaign in West, 9
  • death, 301—2
  • declaration of war on U.s., 108
  • and Dunkiik, 32—33
  • errors in North Africa, 48, 49, 52, 53, 170, 173, 175—78, 187—88
  • errors in Stalingrad campaign, 145—55
  • failure to appreciate Rommel’s achieve­ments, 79, 132
  • fallacies in Russia campaign, 81—99
  • fatal turn to East, 45—60, 194
  • first great error, 36—44
  • focus on destruction of Jews, 2—3
  • focus on destruction of Soviet Union, 2—3, 45, 49, 52, 53, 127, 130, 194, 275, 309
  • Gibraltar plan, 46-48
  • Hendaye talks, 55
  • inability to conceive strategic plan, 98
  • and invasion of Sicily, 197
  • last chance to change direction, 129
  • last days, 290-303
  • madness, 4, 145, 150
  • and Mediterranean arena, 132
  • and Operation Citadel, 204-5, 211, 213
  • opportunity for victory, 1—8
  • plans for Italy, 200, 201, 224, 227
  • refusal to free 6th Army, 156-64
  • refusal to heed Rommel and Raeder,
  • 126-27, 130
  • rescue of Mussolini, 20 1—2
  • and Rundstedt, 277, 297
  • seizure of Corsica, 170
  • turn away from Britain, 2, 45
  • victories before 1940, 4—5

Hobbs, Leland, 260

Hodges, Courtney, 261, 263, 269, 272—74, 278, 285, 296, 297

Hoepner, Erich, 13, 20, 21, 86, 105, 109

Holland, 9, 13, 14,17, 20, 236, 273—74

Hooker,Joe, 180

Hopkins, Harry, 100—101, 102

Hoth, Hermann, 13, 23, 34, 84, 93, 95—97, 102, 105, 149, 151, 154, 208, 209

Hube, Hans, 152, 200

Hubicki, Alfred, 13

Hull, Cordell, 101

Hungary, 50, 291, 293

Huntziger, Charles, 23

Hurtgen Forest, 278, 284

Iceland, 102

India, 51

Indochina, 101

Iraklion (Crete), 64, 67,68

Iran, 50, 51, 88, 102, 126

Iron ore, 6

Italy, 35, 128, 132, 166, 170, 179

  • assault on, 214-32
  • capitulation to Allies, 201
  • Hitler’s plan to take over, 200
  • invasion of Greece, 55
  • in Libya, 46, 53, 56, 62, 71—72
  • offensive into Egypt, 52—55
  • weak performance of soldiers, 181, 199

Jackson, Stonewall, 180

James, William, 35

Japan, 44, 87, 127, 307

  • drive toward war, 101—2
  • Pearl Harbor attack, 108


  • Hitler’s focus on destruction of, 2—3
  • in Soviet Union, 82

Jodl, Alfred, 45, 46, 49, 62, 80, 97, 251, 261, 276, 289, 299, 300, 302, 303

Jomini, Antoine-Henri, 109

Juin, Alphonse, 227, 231

Juno beach, 241, 252

Kampfgruppen, 27, 114, 139, 223, 258

Kasserine. See Battle of Kasserine

Katukov, M. E., 208

Katyusha rocket launchers, 108

Keitel, Wilhelm, 49, 62, 80, 299, 300, 303

Kesselring, Albert, 170, 172, 186, 197, 201, 214, 215, 220, 224-27, 232, 297, 302

Kesselschlachten. See Caldron battles

Keyes, Geoffrey, 225

Khania (Crete), 64-67, 69

K Khora Sfakion (Crete), 69

Kiev (Ukraine), 86, 96-99, 102—4

Kirchner, Friedrich, 157

Kirponos, Mikhail P., 90, 92, 98, 99

Kitching, George, 264

Kleist, Ewald von, 13, 23—24, 27—29, 32, 34, 59, 86, 92, 95,98-99, 149, 150

Kluge.~Guenther von, 95, 205, 211, 255, 263—66, 268, 270

Knobelsdorff, Otto von, 158, 210

Koch, Walter, 20, 171, 172

Koenig, Pierre, 139

Konev, Ivan 5., 104, 291, 295

Kraemer, Fritz, 278

Krebs, Hans, 298

Krueger, Walter, 285

Kuechler, Georg, 21

Kursk (Soviet Union), 204, 205, 207, 20

Lang, Rudolf, 189

Laon (France), 29

Latvia, 43, 95, 291

Laval (France), 262

Leadership, 180—81

Lebensraum, 3, 49, 52, 82, 303

Lebrun, Albert, 14

Leclerc,Jacques, 265—66, 267, 270—72

Lee, Robert E., 180

Leeb, Wilhelm von, 15, 84, 96, 97, 103, 109

Leese, Oliver, 224

Leigh-Mallory, Trafford, 270

Le Mans (France), 262—65

Lernelsen,Joachiifl, 94

Lend-lease program, 44,100, 290

Leningrad (Soviet Union), 6,83,96,97,102, 103, 109

Leopold (king of Belgium), 32

Libya, 46, 53, 54, 56, 57, 61, 62, 64, 71—80, 115, 131, 177

Liddell Hart, Basil H., 7, 273

Liebenstein, F. K. Von, 183, 184, 200

Liri River, 229

List, Wilhelm, 29, 59, 60, 150, 153

Lithuania, 43

Livorno (Italy), 224

Loehr, Alexander, 64, 67, 68

London (England), 41, 42

Longwy (France), 23

Lucas,John P., 221, 226-28

Lucht, Walter, 285

Luftwaffe, 15, 21, 36-42, 92, 155, 235, 254, 289

Luettwitz, Heinrich von, 285, 286

Luxembourg, 1, 14

Maas River. See Meuse River

Maastricht (Holland), 20

MacDonald, Charles, 277

Machine guns, 222

Mackensen, Hans Georg von, 227, 228

Madagascar, 167

Magic (decoding program), 101

Maginot Line, 9,10, 15,21,34,35

Maleme (Crete), 64—67

Malta, 46, 50, 61—63, 76, 79, 131, 132, 142

Manstein, Erich von, 3, 10-13, 23, 32, 103—4, 236, 275

  • attempts to relieve, 6th Army, 155-64
  • on Hitler, 162
  • and Operation Citadel, 204-5, 211
  • Stalingrad campaign, 145—47, 153

Mantes (France), 269

Manteuffel, Hasso von, 192, 279, 281, 284-89

Mareth line, 181, 187, 188, 189, 190

Marshall, George C., 128, 165—67, 195, 196, 200, 232, 237, 238

Matildas (tanks), 30, 31, 54, 55, 111, 112

Mayenne (France), 262

McAuliffe, Anthony C., 286, 288

McCreery Richard L., 215, 218

Mediterranean arena, 46-49, 63, 79, 126, 132, 142, 166, 179, 194-95

Mehdia (Morocco), 169

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 3, 307

Mellenthin, Friedrjch-Wilhelm von, 149, 204

Mersa Matruh (Egypt), 142—43

Mers-el-Kebir battle, 37

Messe, Giovanni, 178, 188, 190, 191

Messerschmitt fighter, 15—16, 21, 38—40

Metaxas line, 60

Metz (France), 272, 273, 274, 278

Meuse River, 1, 10—13, 20, 22—27, 279, 280, 284, 288

Middle East, 49—51, 53, 64, 127, 141

Middleton, Troy, 256, 261, 278, 284

Minsk (Soviet Union), 93, 95, 99

Model, Walther, 269, 270, 280, 297—98

Molotov, Vyacheslav 90, 147, 307

Monte Cassino, 221—22, 226-28

Montgomery, Bernard:

  • and Allied invasion of France, 238, 241, 246, 256, 259, 261—63, 266-67, 269—71
  • and assault on Italy, 215, 219—21, 224
  • and Battle of the Bulge, 287
  • command of 8th Army, 144, 174
  • and invasion of Sicily, 195, 197, 199
  • in last days of war, 295—97, 302
  • and march toward Germany, 272—75
  • in North Africa, 169, 174-75, 178, 181, 183, 187—92

Monthermé (France), 23, 25, 26

Moravia, 5

Morgan, Frederick, 239, 240

Morison, Samuel Eliot, 196

Morocco, 48, 50, 166, 167, 169

Mortain (France), 263—65

Morzik, Fritz, 155

Moscow (Soviet Union), 83—84, 86-87, 95—99, 104—8

Motorized units, 72, 112, 132—33, 262, 290

Mozhaisk line, 106

Msus (Libya), 78

Mulberries, 235, 239, 256

Munich conference (1938), 4—5

Murmansk (Soviet Union), 50, 126, 129

Mussolini, Benito:

  • death, 301
  • declaration of war on U.S., 1O~
  • and drive through Suez, 49
  • Hitler’s desire to keep him in war, 132
  • invasion of Greece, 55
  • and North Africa, 53, 56, 61, 62, 131, 173, 176, 177, 187, 188
  • ouster by Italians, 199, 200
  • rescue by Hitler, 201—2

Mustang fighter, 179, 235

Nancy (France), 272, 274

Naples (Italy), 196, 215, 221, 227

Napoleon, 109, 118, 181, 266

Narvik (Norway), 6

Neame, Philip, 73, 76, 77, 78

Nebelwerfer, 186, 218

Nehring, Walter, 135—36, 171, 172—73

Netherlands See Holland

Normandy, 203, 233-53, 256-58, 261, 268—70

Norrie, C.W.M., 116-1 8, 120, 134

North,John, 274

North Africa, 49, 52—57, 71—80, 110—25, 127, 131—44, 174-78

  • See also French North Africa; Rommel, Erwin; specific countries

Norway, 6,14, 50

Nuremberg trials, 303

Nye, Archibald, 197

O’Connor, Richard, 53—55, 57, 73, 78

Odessa (Soviet Union), 93

Oil, 50—51, 87, 102, 126, 129, 145, 150, 240, 272—74, 290, 310, 313

Oise River, 29

Oliver, Lunsford, 265

Omaha beach, 240, 243, 248—51

Operation Anvil, 225, 232

Operation Autumn Mist, 279

Operation Avalanche, 214

Operation Axis, 200

Operation Barbarossa. See Barbarossa campaign

Operation Battleaxe, 111, 114

Operation Bolero, 195

Operation Citadel, 194, 204-13, 237

Operation Cobra, 259, 262

Operation Crusader, 115

Operation Dragoon, 232

Operation Fortitude, 239

Operation Goodwood, 259

Operation Gymnast, 128, 166

Operation Husky, 195, 196, 197

Operation Mercury, 63

Operation Overlord, 195—96, 200, 225, 237, 256

Operation Roundup, 195

Operation Sea Lion, 37, 41, 42, 93

Operation Shingle, 226

Operation Sledgehammer, 165

Operation Torch, 166, 315

Operation Typhoon, 104

Operation Winter Tempest, 159

Oran (Algeria), 167, 170

Overlord. See Operation Overlord

Panthers (tanks), 207, 211

Panzer divisions, 7, 15, 89, 204, 233

Paris (France), 271—72

Pas de Calais (France), 234-37, 239, 240, 21, 262, 269, 272

Patton, George S. Jr.:

  • and advance on Germany, 272—75
  • and Allied invasion of France, 239, 256,
  • 261—67, 269, 271
  • and Battle of the Bulge, 278, 286, 288
  • in Italy, 197, 199, 202—3
  • in last days of war, 295, 296
  • in North Africa, 167, 169, 188—92
  • slapping incidents, 202—3, 238

Paul (prince of Yugoslavia), 59

Paulus, Friedrich, 150, 152, 154-55,160, 16

Pavlov, Dimitri G., 99

Pearl Harbor, 44, 108, 127

Pearson, Drew, 203

Peiper,Joachim, 285, 286, 323

Petacci, Clara, 301

Pétain, Marshal Henri Philippe, 27, 35, 37, 49, 55

Peter (prince of Yugoslavia), 59

Petroleum. See Oil

Ploesti oil fields, 97, 98, 196, 307

Poland, 3,112, 290, 293

Popov, Markian M., 212

Porsche, Ferdinand, 209

Potenza (Italy), 220

Purple (encoding machine), 101

Qattara Depression, 142

Quadrant conference, 199—200

Radar, 38—40

Raeder, Erich, 45, 47—49, 52, 53, 62, 63, 79, 126-27,129,130

Ramsey, Bertram H., 242

Rasputista, 106

Red Army, 82—84, 87—91, 127, 152, 156—57, 194, 205, 290, 294, 295, 311

Reichenau, Walther von. 20

Reinhardt, Georg Hans, 13, 23, 25, 26, 31, 59

Reitsch, Hanna, 300

Remagen bridge, 296, 297

Rethimnon (Crete), 64, 67, 68, 69

Reynaud, Paul, 14, 27, 35

Rhine River, 295—96

Rhodes, 200

Ribbentrop, Joachim von, 59, 294, 299, 303, 307

Richthofen, Wolfram von, 65, 67, 68

Ridgwav, Matthew, 219, 272

Ringel, Julius, 68, 69

Ritchie, Neil, 122, 125, 134-35,137,138, 140, 141

Rocket launchers, 108, 186

Roer River, 278

Rokossovsky, K. K., 293, 294

Romania, 43, 50, 57, 307

Rome (Italy), 200—201, 214, 226, 229, 231—32

Rommel, Erwin, 63, 275, 290

  • on Africa as “lost cause,” 130
  • and Allied invasion of France, 233—37,
  • 241, 251—55
  • Battle of Kasserine, 180—87
  • on blitzkrieg warfare, 7
  • death, 256
  • and defeat of France, 23,25,26,29—
  • 31,35
  • defeat/retreat in Africa, 143—44, 173,
  • 175-76
  • on Goring, 177
  • in Italy, 201
  • method for Operation Citadel, 212
  • on Mussolini, 187
  • in North Africa, 56-57, 71—80, 110—
  • 25, 131—44, 169, 173-78, 180—87, 193
  • request to Hitler to change strategy,
  • 126-2 7

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 2, 35, 108, 232, 238

  • aid to Russia, 100, 102
  • Atlantic Conference, 102
  • backing of Britain, 37, 43—44
  • Casablanca conference, 178-79
  • death, 298
  • decision to fight Germany, 165—66
  • demand for unconditional surrender, 179
  • and North Africa, 166, 167
  • Quebec conference, 199
  • sanctions against Japan, 101—2
  • and Stalin, 102, 165, 166, 237
  • Teheran conference, 225, 237

Rosenberg, Alfred, 82

Roslavl (Soviet Union), 96

Rostov (Soviet Union), 103,146, 149,150, 156, 7159, 161, 163

RotmistroV, PA., 211

Rotterdam (Holland), 17, 272

Royal Air Force (RAF), 38, 40—42

Rundstedt, Gerd von, 10, 11, 27—29, 31, 32, 86, 96, 97, 103, 109, 233, 234, 236, 241, 254-55, 277, 279, 280, 297

Ryan, Cornelius, 274

Ryder, Charles W. “Doe,” 169

Safi (Morocco), 169

St. Lo (France), 256, 259

St.-Mêre-Eglise (France), 246

St. Petersburg. See Leningrad

Salerno (Italy), 195, 214-18

Saloniki (Greece), 60

Sardinia, 197

Scheldt River, 22, 30

Schlieffen plan, 9

Schmeisser machine pistol, 222

Schmundt, Rudolf, 13, 71

Schnellentruppen, 93

Schwerpunkt, 13, 22

Sedan (France), 11, 13, 21—26

Seine River, 269, 270—71, 322

Senger und Etterlin, Frido von, 227, 228, 231

Serbs, 57, 59

Sevastopol (Soviet Union), 104, 147

Shah Reza Pahlevi, 102

Sherman tank, 248, 249, 250, 258—59

Siberia (Soviet Union), 87

Sichelschnitt, 13

Sicily, 170, 179, 192, 195—99

Sidi Barrani (Egypt), 52, 53, 54

Sidi Rezegh airfield (Libya), 116-19

Siegfried line, 276, 277, 278

Silesia, 291, 294, 295

Simonds, Guy, 264

Simovic, Dusan, 59

Simpson, William, 278

Sirte (Libya), 71

Skorzeny, Otto, 200, 201, 279

Slays, 82

Slovenians, 59

Smith, Walter Bedell, 201

Smolensk (Soviet Union), 95

Sollum Pass, 110, 111, 116, 121, 141

Somerville, Sir James, 37

Somme River, 10, 34, 35

Surge, Richard, 101, 106

Soviet Union:

  • and Baltic republics, 43
  • Barbarossa campaign, 63, 76, 81—99, 102—9, 114
  • Hitler’s focus on destruction of, 2—3, 45, 49, 52, 53, 127, 194, 309
  • industry, 100
  • invasion of Finland, 6
  • in last days of war, 290, 291, 294, 295
  • oil fields, 50—51
  • Operation Citadel, 204-13
  • roads, 89
  • Stalingrad, 145—60
  • sufferings of people, 81—82
  • U.S. aid, 100, 102

Spaatz, Carl, 240

Spain, 46—47, 50, 167

Spear, Albert, 294, 297

Speidel, Hans, 251, 255

Sponeck, Theodor von, 17

SS operations, 319

Stagg, J. M., 242

Stalin,Joseph, 2, 51, 52, 84, 87, 151

  • and Baltic republics, 43
  • and German invasion, 88—92, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 105, 106, 109
  • purges of 1930s, 82
  • system of “fronts,” 314
  • Teheran conference, 225, 237
  • and U.S., 102, 165, 166

Stalingrad (Soviet Union), 145—60

Stauffenberg, Claus von, 255

Steele,John, 246

Steinhardt, Laurence, 90

Sten gun, 222

Stimson, Henry L., 128

Stonne ridge (France), 26

Strait of Messina, 196-97, 201

Strategic-bombing theory, 41—42

Strauss, Adolf, 109

Student, Kurt, 17, 64, 67, 69, 197, 201

Stuka dive-bomber, 8, 21, 24, 40, 114, 152, 223

Stuelpnagel, Karl Heinrich von, 109

Stumme, Georg, 59, 174

Submarines, 129, 130, 179

Suda Bay (Crete), 64—69

Sudetenland, 5

Suez Canal, 46, 48, 49, 53, 79, 110

Sun Tzu, 81

Support groups, 113—14

Sweden, 6

Sword beach, 241, 252

Tank destroyers, 223

Tanks, 114

  • Allied, 15
  • British, 30,31,54-56,111,133,139,304, 309
  • French, 25, 29—30, 304
  • German, 6—8, 11,32,121, 207, 211, 305—6
  • Italian, 54-56, 76, 131
  • Operation Crusader, 115
  • Soviet, 147, 311
  • U.S., 223, 248, 250, 258-59
  • World War I, 7

Taylor, Maxwell, 246

Tebessa (Tunisia), 183, 184, 185

Tedder, Arthur, 238, 242

Teheran conference (1943), 225, 237

Thoma, Wilhelm von, 53, 56, 174, 175

Thompson submachine gun, 222

Tigers (tanks), 209, 211

Timoshenko, Semen, 99, 147, 151

Tobruk (Libya), 54, 78, 79, 110, 115—18, 123, 139, 141

Trident conference (1943), 195

Trigh Capuzzo, 134-37

Tripartite Pact, 57, 307

Tripoli (Libya), 56, 57, 71, 72, 142, 177—7

Trun (France), 269

Truscott, Lucian K., 228, 317

Tuker, Francis, 227

Tunis (Tunisia), 170, 172

Tunisia, 48, 166, 167, 170—73, 181—88

Turkey, 48, 50, 64

U-boats, 129, 179, 317

Ukraine (Soviet Union), 83, 86-87, 92, 97, 98

United States, 51,97

  • aid to Russia, 100
  • armed forces, 43
  • assault on Italy, 2 14-32
  • backing of Britain, 37, 43-44,102
  • Battle of Kasserine, 180—81, 184, 186
  • Battle of the Bulge, 276-89
  • bombing of Germany, 178—79
  • differences with Britain, 165
  • entry into war, 126, 307
  • “Germany first” policy, 127—28
  • invasion of Sicily, 195—99
  • isolationism, 2
  • in North Africa, 166—7(1, 180—81, 184, 186,188—93

Utah beach, 240, 246, 247—48, 253

Valiant (battleship), 219

Vatutin, N. F., 154, 212

Vichy government, 37, 48

Victor Emanuel (king of Italy), 199, 201

Vietinghoff-Scheel, Heinrich-Gottfried, 196, 214, 215, 220, 221

Vistula River, 290, 291

Volga River, 145, 150, 151

Volksgrenadier, 278

Vyazma (Soviet Union), 105

Walker, Walton, 267, 271

Ward, Orlando, 189—90

War of attrition, 88—89, 97, 112

Warsaw (Poland), 293

Warspite (battleship), 219, 220

Wavell, Archibald, 46, 52, 55, 57, 60, 63, 64, 68, 69, 73, 76, 77, 110, 111, 115

Weichs, Maximilian von, 59, 109

Welles, Sumner, 89

Wenzel, Helmut, 20

Westphal, Siegfried, 214, 274, 275

West Wall. See Siegfried line

Weygand, Maxime, 27, 34

Wietersheim, Gustav von, 13, 26, 27, 153

Wilson, H. Maitland, 230, 237

Witzig, Rudolf, 20, 171, 172

World War I, 3, 7, 9

Yugoslavia, 57—60, 78, 79

Zeitzler, Kurt, 153, 157, 205, 255

Zhukov, Georgy, 103, 106, 107, 152, 211, 295-95

Ziegler, Heinz, 184

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